photo by Efrat Mazor Goldberg
Dror Liberman
Multidisciplinary performance artist, an autodidact.
Since 2013 he is a member of the Clipa Visual Theater Ensemble (Tel Aviv) as a performer and creator.
As a freelance dancer, Lieberman has worked with many international choreographers including Idit Herman, Nir De Volff, Noa Dar, Yaniv Cohen, Maya Briner, Sharona Florshaim, Nimrod Fried, Deganit Shemay and many others.
His works demonstrate a wide scale of skills and abilities. It is hard to relate Lieberman's style to one specific genre, as he strives to create a new language in every piece of his.
Lieberman's works performed in various festivals in Tel Aviv, Santander, Bilbao, Berlin, Tirana, Zagreb, Prague, Wrocław and more.

Kazuyo Shionoiri
Born in Tokyo Japan 1984.
At 2008 she got her M.A. from the women academy for dance and physical education in Tokyo.
Between the years 2010 and 2012, she was awarded with two scholarships which allowed her to study at Clipa Theater in Israel. After a short time she became a member of the group and participated in many of the group shows (The Observatory, Shabtai, Lola, Forever/Never, Facility 27 and more).
Ever since she lives in Israel, she collaborated with many local choreographers, including Nimrod Freed, Sharona Floreshaim, Idit Herman, Tomer Sharabi, Gabriael Neuhaus, Or Marin and more.
Since 2012 she is creating together with Oded Zadok (“Atom" &
“This is how we do it”) and with Dror Liberman (“Super J”,
“Take Down”).
Their mutual creations and her own creations were performed in many festivals all around the world, including: China, Japan, Russia, Poland, South Africa, Armenia,Israel and more...